What Causes Clogged Drains and What You Can Do About Them

Clogged drains are not only a nuisance, but they can cause damage to your pipes and cause costly wastewater backup. Ask On Point Plumbing & Heating what causes blocked drains and what you can do about them.

The most common reasons for clogged drains are hair in bathtubs and showers, food waste in sinks, “flushable” wipes, paper towels, toilet tampons, and mineral buildup from hard water that prevents drain lines from flowing properly. 


FOGs, or fats, oils, and grease, are the main culprits of clogged drains. These villains can cause serious sewer blockages if they are improperly disposed of. Grease is a thick substance that can clog pipes if improperly washed away. When you pour cooking grease down the drain, it may liquefy and flow through the pipes. However, once it cools, it can solidify on the walls of the pipes. This can result in a large and hard-to-remove clog.

Many people will try to dissolve the clump of grease by pouring hot water down the drain. This may sometimes work, but there are more permanent solutions. It is also not safe for the pipes. Pouring boiling water down the drain can push the grease farther into the pipe, resulting in even bigger problems.

The best way to deal with grease clogs is to use commercial products specifically designed for this purpose. These products can be found at most hardware and grocery stores. You can also find these products online. There are also several home remedies that you can use to help with the problem. These include using Vinegar and baking soda.

Pouring a small amount of baking soda and Vinegar down the drain can produce a fizzing reaction that breaks up and liquefies grease. Baking soda is an excellent abrasive that can help break down clogs and remove them from the pipes.

Another great way to remove grease is using a caustic cleaner containing sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This can be purchased at most hardware and grocery stores. There are better solutions for small clogs, but they can be used on larger ones.

Another common cause of clogged sinks is using soaps that contain animal or vegetable fats. It is recommended to switch to soaps that are fat-free. There are several different types of fat-free soaps available. Call a professional plumber for assistance if you are dealing with a severe grease clog.

Many people must refrain from throwing food scraps and leftovers into their kitchen drains, which can contribute to clogged pipes. Grease, oils, and fats are liquid when poured down the drain, but they solidify as they cool, resulting in greasy clogs that can be difficult to remove without professional help. Fibrous foods like eggshells, coffee grounds, and onion skins can also clog your pipes because they don’t dissolve easily in water.

Flour is another common household food item that can cause a drain clog. When mixed with water, flour forms a glue-like substance that can clog your pipes. To avoid this, brush your remaining flour into the trash rather than rinsing it down the drain.

Similarly, pasta and rice can clog your pipes because they absorb water, causing them to swell up and block the pipe. These foods can also contribute to clogs in your garbage disposal unit, so throwing small amounts into the drain is best.

One of the most overlooked causes of clogged drains is hair, which can quickly build up and become a major problem. Both human and pet hair can accumulate in your pipes and lead to a clogged drain, especially when it mixes with grease and soap residue.

In addition to hair, other food waste can also clog your drains. Coffee grounds and eggshells are non-biodegradable and can clog your pipes if disposed of improperly. It’s important to regularly clean your drains with homemade solutions or commercial products to prevent these substances from building up and clogging your drains.

In addition to preventing drain clogs, regular cleaning can help maintain the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system. Pouring baking soda and Vinegar down your drains can create a chemical reaction that will dissolve most clogs, while running hot water afterward can help move the clog away from your pipes. However, if you are experiencing a serious clog, contacting a plumber for professional assistance is best. They can inspect your pipes and recommend the right solution for your home.

Hair is a leading cause of clogged drains, especially in bathrooms and bathtubs. We lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day, and those little strands end up in the drains, where they can mix with other debris to create a solid clog. If a hair clog isn’t addressed quickly, it can lead to a slow-draining shower or sink or a complete blockage.

Fortunately, it’s easy to clear hair clogs with the right technique. One option is to use a hook to fish the clump of hair out of the drain. This can be as simple as fashioning a hook out of a wire or a coat hanger, but you can also find special tools designed specifically for this purpose. Another option is using a chemical drain cleaner labeled safe for hair clogs. Follow the instructions on the bottle to apply the chemical safely and effectively.

Another effective way to remove hair from the drain is to brush it before stepping into the shower or tub. This can help prevent many tangled masses of hair from easily getting into your drains. You can also install a shower drain cover, which is relatively inexpensive and sits on top of your drain to catch hair before it goes down. These are available at most home improvement stores.

Plumbing pipes are a challenging system to keep in working order. Much of the sewer and house drains are underground or hidden from view, making it easier to spot problems once they’re well established. Keeping an eye out for warning signs of drain issues may help you nip problems in the bud before they become serious and costly.

Paper products are one of the biggest contributors to clogged toilets. While the only thing that should ever go down a toilet is toilet paper, many household and business items can end up in drains if you must be careful. Items like facial tissues, sales receipts, q-tips, and wipes (even those that claim to be flushable) can all cause bathroom blockages. They’re also not good for the environment or your pipes.

If you use these products regularly, consider investing in a disposal unit. They’ll save you time and money in the long run.

Other common causes of clogged drains include improper disposal of food particles, soap scum, foreign objects, and mineral buildup in areas with hard water.

Many of these problems can be resolved with a simple plunger or a snake, but in some cases, it’s necessary to call a plumber to remove a blocked pipe or replace a broken pipe. It’s also wise to avoid do-it-yourself drain cleaners, like vinegar and baking soda, as they can sometimes worsen a blockage.

Costs of Residential Plumbers

Residential plumbers install, repair, and fit pipes in a home’s drainage system. They also work with fixtures associated with water heating and household appliances.


Plumbing systems in commercial buildings are much more complex than those in homes. Commercial plumbers must have experience working with larger pipes and more extensive waste removal systems. Contact Plumbers Cranford NJ for professional help.

Most plumbing projects require a permit, and the costs can vary. Permit fees can be based on the project’s square footage, per room, or per fixture.

In general, it is best to consult with a local building department before starting any construction. They can provide you with information on local plumbing codes and regulations. In addition, they can let you know whether or not a permit is required.

Generally, you will need a permit to install or replace plumbing fixtures such as toilets, bathtubs, showers, sinks, and faucets. You may also need a permit to install water heaters, drains, and sewer systems. However, small plumbing projects such as repairing leaks or unblocking drains are typically exempt from permit requirements.

Permit costs can add up quickly, especially if you’re remodeling a kitchen or bathroom. However, you can reduce your costs by planning your remodel in phases and obtaining permits as each phase is completed. Additionally, you can save money by using energy efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances.

The cost of a permit depends on the city or county in which you live. Some require only a fee to file the plan, while others require a deposit or bond prior to granting the permit. In general, a permit can range from $50 to $500.

In addition to the fee, you will also have to pay a contractor’s license and insurance costs. These fees can add up, but the process is important to ensure your plumber has proper training and meets state licensing requirements.

Depending on the type of project, a plumbing permit can take up to 14 days to process. In some cases, a penalty fee may be imposed if work is done without a permit.

In New York, to become a licensed plumber you must pass a written exam and a practical test. You must also have a valid business license, workers’ compensation, liability insurance, and unemployment insurance. In addition to passing these exams, you must complete a formal apprenticeship program or have at least four years of experience working as an apprentice under a licensed master plumber.

Costs for After-Hours Repairs

The cost of hiring a plumber for after-hours work will be higher than during regular business hours. This is because plumbers need to pay for extra expenses when they work outside of normal operating hours, such as fuel and overtime rates. Some plumbing companies also have minimum service charges. These fees cover the cost of a plumber’s travel to your home and ensure that they arrive ready to start working.

Many plumbers offer multiple payment methods, including cash, check, and credit. You should ask the plumber before hiring them how they prefer to be paid. Most will require payment at the time of service, but some may invoice as they complete work. In addition to the plumber’s hourly rate, you will also need to pay for any materials used to make the repair, and cleanup services if applicable.

Most homeowners believe that plumbing repairs are easy, but they can be complex and expensive. For example, a simple clog removal might take one hour, but an intricate pipe installation could take several hours. This is why it is important to hire a licensed plumber to handle the more complicated jobs, such as installations.

Plumbing problems can be expensive, especially if they occur during busy seasons or after heavy rainfall. In these situations, plumbers are in high demand and may charge more for their services. In addition, they may charge a premium for after-hours work, such as weekend or holiday visits.

Generally, a plumber will need to pull a permit before starting any major work on your home’s plumbing system. This is to ensure that the job is done correctly and safely, and to comply with local building codes. The permit fee typically costs $30 to $500, and it will be required before a plumber can begin working on your pipes.

Many plumbers belong to a union, which means they must pay dues and other fees that impact their bottom line. These fees can be as high as 20% of their total earnings. This can add up quickly, so it is important to research plumbers before hiring one.

Costs for Main Line Leaks

If your main water line bursts, it can be a huge problem for your home. It’s the pipe that connects your plumbing to the city water supply and without it, you won’t have access to clean, safe water. Fortunately, most plumbers can fix water line leaks fairly quickly. However, the cost for this service can vary quite a bit.

The main water line is typically made from copper or PVC and can last for decades with proper maintenance. But as time passes, the lines can break down or corrode. This can cause a lot of problems, including low water pressure, discolored water, and unexplained spikes in your water bill. If you think you have a main line leak, it’s important to call a plumber right away. If left untreated, the issue can worsen and damage your entire system.

Residential plumbers can often perform repairs to your main line within a day or three, depending on the complexity of the job. But the exact costs for this type of service will depend on a few factors, such as the location of the break and the price of the materials used.

For example, if the leak is located underground, it will be more expensive than an easy-to-access pipe in your yard. The cost of excavation also varies by region. And if you’re replacing the whole water line, the costs will depend on the type of pipe material that is used.

In addition, the cost of installing the new pipe will vary depending on the type of soil you have and whether your plumber needs to obtain a permit for the work. It’s also important to consider the costs for cleanup and disposal of the old pipe.

For these reasons, it’s a good idea to get multiple quotes from plumbers in your area before making a decision. To help you make an informed choice, use our tool to connect with plumbers in your area and request free estimates. This way, you can be sure that the plumber is charging a fair price for their services and won’t try to overcharge you.

Costs for Installations

The cost of installing new plumbing fixtures and appliances depends on the project. New fixtures and appliances typically require rough-in and finish plumbing, which adds to the overall price of the project. The plumber’s hourly rate also affects the cost of installation. Plumbing rates vary by region, with higher rates charged in urban areas due to high demand.

The complexity of the project and its timing can also increase or decrease the cost. Some plumbing tasks, such as re-piping an entire home, take longer to complete than others. A plumber may also need to purchase special materials or equipment for a particular project, which can drive up costs.

Local building codes can affect the cost of a plumbing job as well. Many municipalities require that homeowners obtain a permit before starting any work on the plumbing system in their home. This involves meeting with a representative of the city to ensure that the work meets code requirements. This process can sometimes add to the overall cost of the project, but it helps protect the safety and quality of a homeowner’s plumbing system.

In some cases, a plumbing permit is required for replacing an older plumbing fixture or pipe with a newer one. This is because older pipes may not be compatible with modern water fixtures. Replacing these old pipes with new ones ensures that all the fixtures in a home have the same pressure and flow, which can prevent future issues with water quality or temperature.

Some plumbers charge a service fee to visit a home and provide a quote for a plumbing project. This can range from $50 to $200, and it covers the cost of fuel and time spent traveling between homes. These fees are usually waived when the plumber is hired for the project.

Plumbing is a complex field that requires education and training. Plumbers spend thousands of dollars to learn their trade, and they often work as apprentices to gain the necessary experience before starting their own businesses. In addition, they must cover the costs of equipment, supplies and insurance. Despite these high costs, hiring a licensed plumber to handle serious plumbing problems can reduce the risk of shoddy workmanship and costly repairs in the future.

A Guide to Traditional Plumbing

We take plumbing for granted, but it’s been an important part of civilization for centuries. It was responsible for public baths, fountains, and sewage removal.

Traditional plumbing can also be messy, directly contacting plumbers with dirt and sewage. Plunger Plumber is quicker and more hygienic.


If you’re building a new home or remodeling an existing one, plumbing manifolds are an important part of your overall system design. These plumbing components act as crucial control mechanisms for hot and cold water circulation. They can be made of conventional copper, brass, bronze, or more technologically advanced materials such as PEX/cross-linked polyethylene. Regardless of the type of material used, they offer clear utility for any homeowner.

The plumbing manifold is an intersection point for all the pipes in your home or commercial facility. Cold and hot water enters the manifold via 3/8-inch or 1/2-inch branch lines that connect to various fixtures throughout your house. These tubing connections are also fitted with valves that allow you to shut off the water supply to specific institutions in case of a problem.

In traditional plumbing systems, a main artery — usually a large-diameter copper pipe — takes water to every room or fixture in your home before it branches off again to smaller, individual branches. The result could be more efficient energy and water use. Plumbing manifolds provide a more efficient alternative, allowing each fixture to get its dedicated supply of hot or cold water without the larger-diameter, long-run pipe requirements of traditional plumbing.

Depending on the type of system you have, your plumbing manifold may be outfitted with copper, PVC, or even PEX tubing. While these are all reliable, high-quality materials, PEX offers a few additional benefits that can make it the better choice for your manifold systems. For example, modern PEX plumbing systems feature safeguards that reduce the likelihood of pressure drop and require less components. They also resist freezing during the winter.

In addition to the obvious convenience of being able to turn off water to individual appliances, manifolds help plumbers by reducing the number of joints in the system. This is one of the most common places for leaks to occur. A single joint in a copper or PVC line can be difficult to repair and is vulnerable to corrosion over time. This is why fewer joints mean a more reliable plumbing system.

Like smartphones, TVs, watches and thermostats, home plumbing fixtures are now becoming smart. From water filtration systems to digital faucets, these smart technologies allow homeowners and property managers to connect their plumbing to the internet for better control and more efficiency. However, it’s important to choose the right system and install it properly for maximum benefits.

Incorporating smart technology into a plumbing system can help prevent expensive repairs due to water leaks and conserve resources in the process. These systems are designed to detect early warning signs of water leaks, alert users to high-usage habits, and provide data on water usage.

These devices can be installed in residential or commercial buildings to monitor and manage water consumption. They can be connected to a building’s plumbing infrastructure through sensors that are able to communicate with each other to identify any anomalies, such as a water leak or abnormal water usage. The data is transmitted to a central server, where it can be analyzed and delivered as real-time insights to the user. This allows plumbers and facility managers to predict maintenance needs, respond faster, save energy and water and improve occupants’ comfort and quality of life.

Among the most popular smart plumbing products are water filtration and monitoring systems, smart toilets, and connected showers. These technologies allow users to customize their settings, such as temperature and pressure, for a more personalized experience. Smart toilets can also be programmed to automatically flush after a certain amount of time, saving both water and money.

A key benefit of these products is that they can be controlled remotely through a smartphone application. Users can adjust the settings of their toilet, shower, or sink and even set schedules for appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. They can also monitor their water usage and see how much they are using each month, allowing them to cut back on waste.

If you’re interested in integrating smart technology into your plumbing system, contact our licensed Cincinnati plumbers for more information on the best products to fit your home or business. We can help you find the perfect solutions that will keep you safe and comfortable while improving your home’s energy efficiency.

Green plumbing is the practice of installing eco-friendly systems in place of old and wasteful ones. The main allure of this type of system is its lowered impact on the environment, but it also saves you money on energy and water bills. It includes modifications such as low-flow toilets, high-pressure showerheads, usage meters and more. A more comprehensive green plumbing solution involves installing solar hot water systems, rainwater tanks and even tankless water heaters. These are more expensive upfront, but they pay for themselves in just a couple of years.

Green plumbers are trained to use new and innovative technologies that can help decrease your environmental footprint. They are skilled at finding low-flow suppliers and parts that can greatly lower your plumbing system’s overall energy consumption.

A common misconception is that using green plumbing will lead to higher utility bills, but this is not always the case. By reducing your water consumption, you will reduce the amount of energy it takes to heat and transport that water to your home or business. This will lead to lower energy costs in the long run, and you will still be able to enjoy all the water services you need.

In addition, green plumbing solutions can prevent damage to the environment and extend the lifespan of your appliances. For example, brain pipes are a green plumbing technology that works by constantly monitoring your water pressure. If there is any leakage or any other problem, the system will automatically shut off your water supply and alert you to the issue. This will prevent any water damage to your property and ensure that you have a safe and secure plumbing system.

With water shortages and climate change becoming a major concern for many people, it becomes everyone’s responsibility to protect the Earth’s natural resources in their own small way. Switching to green plumbing is one of the easiest ways to do this. Green plumbers have undergone extensive training to understand how to install eco-friendly systems and provide their customers with the best advice.

If you’re looking to reduce your environmental footprint and save money, a green plumbing solution can be the perfect choice for your home or business. Contact your local green plumber to learn more about the options available to you.

A traditional plumbing system consists of two subsystems: the one that brings fresh water in and the other that takes wastewater out. The water supply pipe that brings clean water in typically enters the house through a meter and is shut off when you are not using water. The main water shut-off valve is usually located near the meter. In an emergency, this can save your home from a flood or help you avoid costly damage from burst pipes.

In addition, plumbing systems typically use a series of straight sections called pipes or tubes to carry the water. Pipes can be made of a variety of materials, such as iron, copper, galvanized steel, and plastic. In general, pipes with thicker walls are welded or screwed together, while tubing is joined using methods like brazing, compression fitting, crimping, or for plastics, solvent welding. Pipes can also be fitted with a variety of valves, which allow you to control the flow and direction of water.

As the population grows and water becomes scarcer, it’s important to use less of this precious resource. This is why eco-friendly plumbing techniques are becoming so popular with homeowners and businesses alike. These techniques can be used to reduce your water usage without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

The most obvious way to reduce your water usage is by replacing older fixtures with high-efficiency models. A licensed green plumber can recommend and install a variety of energy-efficient fixtures. These devices can save you up to 30 percent in household water usage. This can lead to big savings on your water, sewer, and energy bills.

Another way to conserve water is by installing rainwater harvesting systems. These systems collect and store rainwater for non-potable uses, such as irrigating gardens or flushing toilets. Plumbing professionals can also help you design and implement greywater recycling systems, which are a great way to reuse wastewater from showers, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers.

Water conservation is not a new concept, but it’s becoming increasingly popular and important as the world’s water resources are stretched to the limit. It is a simple way to help the environment by cutting down on waste and helping your local water utility company reduce demand for raw water.

Common Plumbing Repairs That Homeowners Can Do Theirself

From showers to toilets, faucets to water pipes, Platinum Plumbing repairs many different things. Some of these repairs are simple enough for a homeowner to handle with a bit of instruction and the right tools, while others require the expertise of a professional. Plumbing leaks are one of the most common problems that homeowners encounter. Leaks can be caused by pinhole leaks (which can often be fixed with a simple repair sleeve), old age, or damage from tree roots.

Water Heaters

plumbing repair

A conventional tank water heater heats incoming cold water using either an electric element or a gas burner. As the water heats, it rises to the top of the tank and is sent to your faucets via a hot-water pipe. Only a few things can go wrong with this system, including a pilot light that flickers out or a circuit breaker that trips. Depending on the type of water heater you have and what is wrong with it, a plumber may be needed to repair it.

If the pilot light on your gas water heater won’t stay lit, you can try to reignite it by following these steps: Turn off your gas at the main valve, open the hot-water faucets to relieve pressure, and then turn on the pilot light. If this doesn’t work, it is time to call in a professional, as the problem will likely be deeper than a flickering pilot light.

It’s also possible that you simply don’t have enough hot water. If everyone in your home uses hot water at the same time, it can quickly deplete your tank’s supply. Check to see if other people in your household are running the faucets at the same time, and then try turning on the heater again.

Your water heater should be drained at least twice a year to remove sediment that can cause it to malfunction or rust out. The procedure is simple, but a professional should do it to avoid safety hazards and maximize the life of your unit.

Water heaters can last up to 30 years, but they often fail sooner than that due to neglect. Consult with a plumber to establish an annual maintenance schedule for your water heater to keep it running efficiently and to prevent unexpected problems. It is a good idea to have the drain valve and temperature and pressure relief valve inspected and replaced as necessary. A professional plumber can help you choose a new water heater that will best suit your household’s needs. They can also install it for you, if desired.


A leaky faucet is one of the most common signs that it’s time for some DIY plumbing repair. Sometimes only a few inexpensive O rings and washers are needed, but other times a main part—a cartridge, stem or ball, for example—needs to be replaced. Luckily, replacing these parts is usually relatively straightforward.

The first step is to shut off the water. Hopefully, whoever fitted your faucet thought to fit shut-off valves on the hot and cold supply lines that lead up to it. If not, turn off the water under the sink.

Next, remove the faucet handle. You can do this with a flat head screwdriver or pliers. After the handle is removed, look under the faucet for a decorative cap covering a screw or hex bolt. If there is one, unscrew it and set it aside. If there’s no cap, grip the hex head of the valve stem assembly with pliers and unscrew counterclockwise to remove it.

If the faucet is a cartridge, ball or ceramic-disk type, what is exposed after removing the handle will be different. Cartridge faucets: Take out the small circular threaded piece (called a retaining clip) that holds the cartridge in place. This may require the use of needle nose pliers to carefully take it out without marring the cartridge. Ball and ceramic-disk faucets: Remove the escutcheon cap, which is a piece of rounded metal that covers the disk cylinder.

Once you have the parts to fix your leaky faucet, inspect them for damage and clean them as necessary. The valve seat usually has mineral buildup that can be cleaned with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Also, the neoprene seals on cartridges can be replaced as needed.

Before you reassemble your faucet, coat any parts that have moving parts in plumber’s grease to prevent them from seizing up and becoming hard to move. Put the faucet back together in reverse order, taking care not to mix up the parts you’ve removed. When finished, turn the water on and test your work. If there are still leaks, tighten or replace the appropriate parts until you find the source of the problem.


Toilets are a common fixture that can be a source of frustration for homeowners when they are not working properly. A running toilet wastes water, adds to utility bills and can cause other problems in a home. A plumber can diagnose a toilet problem and fix it quickly and inexpensively. If you are comfortable with a little DIY, you can also make some simple repairs yourself.

Many parts can be replaced without disassembling the tank or removing the toilet. One of the most frequent problems is the water fill valve, which can be replaced by a complete assembly available at most home improvement centers and plumbing supply stores. Experts recommend replacing the fill valve about every five years as part of routine toilet maintenance.

Another common problem is a leaky drain flange. This can be fixed by removing the plastic caps that cover the bolts that hold the bowl to the floor and gradually tightening them. It may also be necessary to replace the wax ring that seals the drain flange.

A clogged toilet can be a real pain and often results in a sewer backup that requires a plumber’s attention. If the clog is caused by a large object, like a toy or a child’s diaper, try removing it with a drain snake. If you are unsuccessful, you should call a plumber for a more thorough cleaning.

Toilets are used in a variety of ways around the world, from flush toilets that sit by sitting or squatting to dry toilets like pit latrines. They are a critical part of a sanitation system that ensures that fecal matter is removed from the human body and does not contaminate waterways or groundwater supplies. In developing countries, improved toilets can reduce deaths due to diarrhea and other diseases caused by poor sanitation.


Drain lines are the pipes that carry waste water and sewage from all parts of your home to the sewer line. When these pipes break or clog, it can lead to wastewater backup and flooding in the home. This can also cause bad odors, mold, and bacteria. It is important to get these drain lines repaired as soon as possible to avoid extensive damage and high repair costs.

One of the most common causes of drain line breakage is tree roots. Tree roots are drawn to the warm, moist areas of drain lines and can cause them to crack or rupture. When this happens, the plumber will need to remove the damaged section of pipe and replace it. This can be expensive since the plumber will need to dig a trench to reach the broken pipe.

Another common cause of broken drain lines is poor installation. If the pipe was installed incorrectly, it may not be secure or strong enough to support the weight of the water and waste it carries. This can cause the drain line to collapse, which is expensive to repair.

If you suspect a drain line is leaking, it’s important to contact a plumber right away. Leaking drain lines can cause flooding and costly damage to your home’s structure and contents. The most effective way to fix a leaking drain pipe is to cut out the affected area of the pipe and replace it with a new piece. This is a more involved process than simply applying a rubber patch, but it is still within the scope of most DIYers who have some experience working with PVC.

In this Fix-It Guide on drain repairs, you will learn how a household drain system works, what often goes wrong with it, and how to recognize when your home needs a drain repair. The guide then provides simple, step-by-step instructions for how to clear a clogged sink or bathtub drain, how to adjust a bathroom sink stopper, and other basic plumbing repairs. It also explains how to use a plumbing auger and shows you how to repair a toilet drain leak with a simple, inexpensive method that doesn’t require the purchase of any special tools or skills.